Thursday, 7 September 2023





Satyriasis :


A psychological condition where a male engages in sexual activity compulsively and without joy. It's a male myth about feminists that we hate sex. It can be a natural, zesty enterprise. But unfortunately there are some people-it is called satyriasis in men, nymphomania in women--who engage in it compulsively and without joy. These unfortunate souls cannot love in the true sense of the word.


This is a kind of madness in males where there is an increased desire for sex.


Dictionary Meaning:


1.     Uncontrollable sexual desire, found in a man (contrast to nymphomania)

2.     The quality of excessive sexual passion in a male


Cross Reference:



Generalities, male sexual passion increased

Generalities, female desire increased

Insanity, madness; erotic, sexual

Insanity, madness; erotic, lascivious

Lasciviousness, Lustfulness.

Male; erection; violent

Male; sexual; libido; desire; excessive

Male; sexual; libido; desire; violent

Mania, madness; sexual desire,from

Nymphomania (In woman)


Thoughts, sexual

Thoughts, tormenting sexual.

Remedies ; Complete Dynamics (54):


agar agn anac ANATH androc APIS ASTER BAR-M BELL CALC-P CAMPH CANN-I cann-s canna-g CANTH chin-m chir-f COCA con cyna FL-AC GELS GRAPH grat HYOS KALI-BR kali-c lac-cpr LYC LYSS med menth MERC NAT-M NUX-V orig ory-c pen PHOS PIC-AC PLAT psor sabin SALX-N saroth SIL STRAM SULPH TARENT thymu ust VERAT zinc zinc-pic


Remedies in detail;



CANNABIS INDICA (CANN-I): Satyriasis. Prolonged thrill; during coition. Chordee. Swelling of prepuce. Sexual desire [ excessively] increased. Priapism. Erections without amorous thoughts.


CANTHARIS (CANTH): Sexual desire greatly increased, with painful , frequent erections (with gonorrhoea), of long continuance, as in priapismus. Ready emission , during amorous caresses.


GRAPHITES (GRAPH): Voluptuous excitation in the genital parts. Indifference , or extreme excitement of sexual desire. Uncontrollable sexual excitement.


KALI BROMOTUM (KALI-BR): Its power over the sexual sphere is very great; the patient is sensual, with lascivious fancies; satyriasis and nymphomania.


LYCOPODIUM (LYC): Repugnance to coition, or disposition to be too easily excited to it.


LYSSINUM (LYSS): In a stallion. Complaints resulting from abnormal sexual desire.


MERCURIUS (MERC): Increase of sexual desire, and great lasciviousness, with frequent erections and pollutions.


MATRUM MURIATICUM (NAT-M): Excessive excitement of genital organs, and of the amative feelings, or dullness of sexual desire.


NUX VOMICA (NUX-V): Sexual perversion. Nightly emission, with lascivious dreams, from high living etc., bad effects of sexual excesses.


PHOSPHORUS (PHOS):  Very strong sexual desire, with constant wish for coition.


PICRIC ACID(PIC-AC): . Profuse emissions followed by great exhaustion, without erotic dreams. Priapism; satyriasis. Impotence, & tendency to boils and carbuncles. PENIS SO DISTENDED THAT IT FEELS AS THOUGH IT WOULD BURST.  Tormenting erections as soon as he goes to sleep. Terrible erections at night, & restless sleep. Great desire and violent erections all night, & emissions.


PLATINUM METALLICUM (PLAT): Unnatural increase of sexual desire, with painful sensibility and voluptuous tingling from genitals up into abdomen.


SILICEA (SIL): Absence of sexual desire, with weakness in genital functions, or else immoderate excitement of sexual desire, with numerous wanton ideas, and strong and frequent erections.


SULPHUR (SULPH): Increased sexual desire and voluptuous irritation of the parts, often without erection.




Bibliography/References :


1.       Perceiving Rubrics of the Mind- Dr. FarohkJ.Master.

2.       Kent’s Comparative repertory of the Homeopathic Materia medica.-

          Dr.R.Dockx & Dr. G. Kokelenberg.

3.       Complete Dynamics Repertory.

4.       The Essential Synthesis Repertory- Dr. Frederik Schrayens.

5.       Repertory of the Homeopathic Materia Medica – Dr.J.T.Kent.

6.       The Spirit of Homeopathic Medicines – Dr.Didier Grand George.

7.       ACSOTROM- Dr. Shreepad Arun Khedekar& Dr. Chirag R. Upadhyay.

8.       Concordant Materia Medica – Frans Vermeulen

9.       Absolute Materia Medica – Dr. P.I. Tarkas & Dr. Ajit Kulkarni.

10.     Desktop Guide- Dr. Roger Morrison

11.    A textbook of Materia Medica and therapeutics- Dr. Cowperthwaite.                                                                 







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