Thursday, 7 September 2023







Sexual expression is a natural part of a well-rounded life. But if you have an overwhelming need for sex and are so intensely preoccupied with this need that it interferes with your job and your relationships, you may have a problem called compulsive sexual behavior. It is sometimes called hyper-sexuality, nymphomania or erotomania. [Current research indicates that compulsive sexual behavior is most common among men also and called Satyriasis].


Dictionary Meaning:


1.     Abnormally excessive and uncontrollable  sexual desire in woman.


2.     A neurotic condition in women in which the symptoms are a compulsion to have a sexual intercourse with as many men as possible and an inability to have lasting relationships with them.


3.     A disorder in which a women exhibits excessive or obsessive desire for sexual stimulation or gratification.


4.     The behaviour of a woman who likes to have sex very often, especially with a lot of different people, which was considered in the past to be an illness.


Explanation: There is an increased desire for sexual intercourse in a female. This may be seen during certain period of time; eg. before, during or after menses, before, during or after delivery etc.

Cross Reference:



 Ailments from sexual excesses


 Company aversion to, solitude fond of, masturbation, to practise

 Delirium, erotic

 Fancies, lascivious

 Fancies, lascivious; tormenting

Female; sexual libido; desire; insatiable

 Genitalia female, desire, increased

 Genitalia female, masturbation, disposition to

 Genitalia female, desire, violent, masturbation driving her to

 Hysteria, lascivious

 Ideas lascivious

 Insanity, madness, erotic, sexual

 Insanity, madness, lascivious

 Lascivious, lustfulness

 Lewdness , obscene


 Masturbation, sadness, masturbation, from

 Naked, wants to be

Satyriasis (In men)

 Shameless, expose the person

 Thoughts, intrude sexual

 Thoughts, sexual

 Thoughts, tormenting, sexual

Women, mental, emotional, complaints, in


Remedies; Complete Dynamics: (95)


AGAR alum-s AMBR aml-n anath androc anh ANT-C APIS ars asaf ASTER AUR aur-m-n BAR-C BAR-M BELL CALAD calc CALC-P CAMPH camph-br CANN-I CANN-S CANTH carb-v cedr CHIN chlol chlor coca cocc COFF con CROC cyna DIG DULC ephe-v FERUL FL-AC gins graph GRAT herin HYOS ign iod KALI-BR kali-c kali-p lac-cpr LACH LIL-T LYC manc MERC mosch MURX nat-c nat-m NUX-V oci op ORIG orig-v ozon ph-ac PHOS pic-ac PLAT plb posit psil-c PULS RAPH rob SABAD SABIN salx-n sec sil stann STAPH STRAM stry sul-ac sulph sumb TARENT thuj valer VERAT ZINC zinc-pic


Remedies in details:



AGARICUS (AGAR): Itching and irritation of the parts with strong desire for an embrace.

ANTIMONIUM CRUDUM (ANT-C): Nymphomania; during suppressed menses.


APIS MELLIFICA (APIS): Insanity, esp. nymphomania and apathy depending on or  sore throat, indigestion or bladder affections.


ASTERIAS RUBENS (ASTER): Insatiable craving which is not satisfied ever after coition. Twitching in womb. Pushing out sensation. Great excitement in morning.


CALADIUM (CALAD):  Masturbation and its results in men; pruritus vulvae in females, which may sometimes be due to threadworms finding their way into the vagina, inducing masturbation and even nymphomania. Nynphomania from worms crawling into vagina and causing irritation.


CALCAREA CARBONICUM (CALC): With mental excitement but not physical.


CONIUM (CON): Induration and enlargement of ovaries and womb, prolapse of uterus with induration and ulceration of the cervix, with profuse leucorrhoea. All due to suppressed sexual desire.


GRATIOLA (GRAT):  It is specific for nymphomania and masturbation in females. In the morning after a lascivious dream.

HYOSCYAMUS (HYOS):  Has a great sexual craving. Imprudently exposes herself. She indulges in obscene talks. Nymphomania during menses and from suppressed menses.


KALI BROMOTUM (KALI-BR): Its power over the sexual sphere is very great; the patient is sensual, with lascivious fancies; satyriasis and nymphomania. Nymphomania; puerperal. Sterility from excessive sexual indulgence. Flooding in young women, & sexual desire. Menorrhagia, from strong sexual desire.

KALI PHOSPHORICUM (KALI-P): Sexual excitement in virgin girls who have premature development. The desire for sex becomes intense after each menstrual period.


LACHESIS (LACH): Nymphomania during climacteric period.

LILIUM TIGIRIUM (LIL-T):  Insatiable desire in women with overian complaints. There is voluptuous itchin in the vagina with a feeling of fullness. Increased desire ;must keep busy to suppress it.

MOSCHUS (MOSCH): Increase sexual desire without any apparent cause.
Nymphomania; from suppressed menses; during metrorrhagia.


MUREX: Violent excitement in sexual organs, and excessive desire for embrace. Least contact of parts causes violent sexual excitement.

ORIGANUM MAJORANA (ORIG): This remedy is indicated in women when the excessive craving drives here to masturbation. Irresistable emotion and impulse. Great sexual irritation and excitement. Great sexual excitement driving her to onanism; scarcely a day passes without indulgence. Impulse to run. Children who masturbate at the early age (5-6) years. And in young girs too.

PHOSPHORUS (PHOS): Nymphomania in widows. The excessive desire is due to forced celibacy ( Unmarried life)


PLATINA (PLAT): Nymphomania (Unbearable desire ) in young girls with premature development of the sexual organs and instinct. This instinct is worst in lying – in – women (during confinement), during metrorrhagia , during suppressed menses.


SABADILLA (SABAD):  Nymphomania from ascarides


STRAMONIUM (STRAM):  From suppressed menses and before  menses. Nymphomania; lewd talking; sings obscene songs. Excessive menses, preceded by sexual excitement. Loquacity and singing during menses. Hands constantly kept on genitals. Nymphomania; has a lascivious smell of semen [during menses].

TARENTULA HISPANIA (TARENT):  Pruritus vulvae; nymphomania; agg. coition; parts dry and hot.


VERATRUM ALBUM (VERAT):  Nymphomania; embraces everybody, even objects;  & violence and destructiveness; after disappointed love; shameless. Nymphomania before menses. Menorrhagia & nausea, vomiting, diarrhoea. Suppression of milk. Nymphomania: from unsatisfied passion or mental causes; puerperal; from disappointed love; during confinement.


ZINCUM METALLICUM  (ZINC): Nymphomania during pregnancy. Nymphomania of lying-in women;  from suppressed lochia.

Bibliography/References :


1.       Perceiving Rubrics of the Mind- Dr. FarohkJ.Master.

2.       Kent’s Comparative repertory of the Homeopathic Materia medica.-

          Dr.R.Dockx & Dr. G. Kokelenberg.

3.       Complete Dynamics Repertory.

4.       The Essential Synthesis Repertory- Dr. Frederik Schrayens.

5.       Repertory of the Homeopathic Materia Medica – Dr.J.T.Kent.

6.       The Spirit of Homeopathic Medicines – Dr.Didier Grand George.

7.       ACSOTROM- Dr. Shreepad Arun Khedekar& Dr. Chirag R. Upadhyay.

8.       Concordant Materia Medica – Frans Vermeulen

9.       Absolute Materia Medica – Dr. P.I. Tarkas & Dr. Ajit Kulkarni.

10.     Desktop Guide- Dr. Roger Morrison

11.    A textbook of Materia Medica and therapeutics- Dr. Cowperthwaite.                                                                 



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