RUBRIC: impotency
[Male; erections; wanting, impotency]
the condition or quality of being
impotent; weakness.
unable to engage in sexual intercourse
because of inability to have and maintain an erection.
chronic inability to attain or sustain
an erection for the performance of a sexual act.
sterility, especially in the male.
Obsolete. lack of self-restraint.
Erectile dysfunction (ED), also known
as impotence, is the inability to get and maintain an erection. Erectile
dysfunction is a very common condition, particularly in older men.
coition; aversion to, sexual aversion; impotence, with
erections; fruitless
erections; incomplete
excitability of genitals; lost
flaccidity; penis
sexual, libido; wanting
weakness, tired feeling
erections; wanting, impotency (261): abr abrom-aug abrot(2) absin(2) acon aegle
aego-p AGAR(3) AGN(4) aids alco ALUM(3) alum-p AM-C(3) ambr ANAC(3) ANATH(3)
anh anil ANT-C(3) ant-o ap-g(2) apis aq-mar aran-ix ARG(3) ARG-N(4) ARN(3) ars
ars-i ARUM-D(3) aspar(2) astac AUR(3) aur-i AUR-S(3) AVEN(3) ba-sv BAR-C(4)
bar-i bar-s bart bell-p berb bor BUFO(3) buth-aust c-di-o CALAD(4) CALC(4)
calc-i CALC-P(3) CALC-S(4) calc-sil CAMPH(4) camph-br cann-i CANN-S(4) canth
CAPS(4) carb-ac carb-an carb-v carbn-s(2) CARC(3) CARD-M(3) CAUST(3) cent
cere-s chen-v CHIN(4) chin-s chir-f chlol chlor chlorpr cic cinnam clem COB(3)
COC-C(3) coca(2) cocain coch cod COFF(3) COLOC(3) CON(4) corn cortico(2) cot
crot-h croto-t cub cymb-c DAM(4) diaz DIG(3) digin dinitrob dios dol DULC(3)
elaps electr ery-a ery-m eug EUP-PUR(3) euph fab FERR(4) ferr-i ferr-m ferr-ma ferr-p
FL-AC(3) gast GELS(3) gink GINS(3) glyc gnaph(2) GRAPH(4) gymn halo HAM(3)
HELL(3) HELON(3) HEP(3) hydr hydrc HYOS(3) HYPER(4) IGN(4) ind IOD(3) kali-bi
KALI-BR(4) KALI-C(4) kali-i KALI-P(3) kali-s kali-x kreos(2) lac-c(2) LACH(4)
lact LAPPA(3) latex lath LEC(3) lepro(2) levo LYC(4) lyss m-art(2) M-AUST(3)
MAG-C(4) mag-m mand mang-p MED(4) MENY(3) MERC(3) merc-c merc-n MERC-V(3)
morph(2) MOSCH(4) MUR-AC(4) musc-d naja NAT-C(3) NAT-M(4) NAT-P(3) nat-sal
NIT-AC(3) NUPH(3) NUX-M(3) NUX-V(4) oci oci-s onis ONOS(3) OP(3) orch ox-ac
oxyt pall passi pen perh pers petr petros(2) PH-AC(4) PHASE(3) PHOS(4) PHYT(3)
PIC-AC(3) plan PLB(3) plb-acet(2) polyg polyg-a(2) PSOR(3) PULS(3) rhod(2)
rhodi-o-n rib-ac(2) ros-b ruta SABAD(3) SABAL(3) sabin SALX-N(3) saroth sarr
scroph-n(2) scut SEC(3) SEL(4) SEP(4) SIL(3) SIN-A(4) SIN-N(4) SPONG(3)
STANN(3) STAPH(4) STRAM(3) STRY(3) sul-ac sul-i SULPH(4) sumb(2) syc-co SYPH(3)
TAB(3) tax terb-o teucr thal(2) thala thea(2) ther THUJ(3) TRIB(3) tritic-v(2)
tus-p upa uran URAN-N(3) ust vib(2) x-ray YOHIM(4) ZINC(3) zinc-p zinc-pic
and PREMATURE OLD AGE, from abuse of sexual power. History of repeated gonorrhoea. Self-contempt from sexual abuse. Nervous debility in unmarried persons.
with impotence. Spermatorrhoea in old sinners.
after frequent attacks of gonorrhoea; impotence from syphilis. In old men, who
having spent their youth and early manhood in the practice of excessive venery,
are just as excitable in their sexual passion at sixty as at eighteen or
twenty, and yet they are physically impotent, Agn. is a good remedy. Impotence,
& morning erections only. Penis so
relaxed that voluptuous fancies excite no erection. Feeble erections without
sexual desire. Emission at night after an embrace, semen discharged in a stream
without ejaculation, scanty and has but little smell. Gleet without sexual
desire or erections.
Antimonium crudum: Impotence.
Atrophy of penis and testicles. Nightly pollutions
& or without voluptuous dreams. Itching of penis; of tip of glans.
Argentum nitricum: Impotence;
erection, but it fails when coition is attempted. Coition painful - urethra as if put on
stretch or sensitive at orifice.
Chancre like ulcers, on the prepuce. Testes drawn up high. Impotence; agg. thinking of it.
Arnica montana: Ill effects
of fright, financial loss, anger, repentance; excessive use of any organ,
vaginitis in females and impotence in males from excessive sexual indulgence.
from excess or abuse. Phimosis, from
Avena sativa: Spermatorrhoea;
impotency; after too much indulgence.
Baryta carbonica: Genitals feel
numb. Diminished desire and premature impotence. Enlarged prostate. Testicles
indurated. Genitals flabby. Premature emissions. Falling asleep during coition.
Emission in an old man, followed by feeling of dryness in whole body.
Insufficient discharge of semen. Erections only in morning before rising.
Bufo rana: Involuntary
emissions; impotence, ejaculation too quick, spasms during coition. Disposition
to handle organs [Hyos.; Zinc.]. Effects of onanism. Semen is discharged too
quickly, without pleasurable sensation, sometimes & cramps or painful
heaviness in limbs.
Caladium seguinum: Flaccid,
sweaty genitals. Impotence. Impotency, after gonorrhoea; with mental
depression. Organs seem larger, as if
puffed. Glans like a rag. Prepuce retracted, after coition. Genitals cold.
when half asleep; cease when fully awake. Impotency; relaxation of penis during
sexual excitement. No emission and no orgasm during coition. Desire suddenly
ceases during coition; didn't know if there was an emission or not.
Calcarea carbonica: Increased
sexual desire, with retarded erections.
Frequent emissions. Burning, with seminal emission. Coition; followed by profound weakness,
vertigo, irritability, lameness of back and knees, headache and sweat. Itching and burning in genitals. Impotence, from sexual abuse or
indulgence. Seminal discharge premature.
Calcarea sulphurica:
Spermatorrhoea & impotence. Chronic syphilis.
Cannabis sativa: IMPOTENCE
FROM SEXUAL ABUSE. Penis swollen,
without marked erections. Dark redness of glans and prepuce. Coldness of
genitals & warmth of rest of body.
China officinalis: Impotence, or morbid sexual desire, with
lascivious fancies. Frequent emissions followed
by great weakness. Swelling of testes and spermatic cord - after gonorrhoea. Impotence
from overindulgence.
Cobaltum metallicum: Emissions
without erection. Impotence; or partial erections. Frequent nocturnal
emissions, & lewd dreams, headache and backache. Impotence.
Coca: Sensation as if
penis were absent. Diabetes, with
Conium maculatum: Desire
increased; power decreased. Sexual nervousness, & feeble erection. Bad
effects of suppressed sexual desire; or from excessive indulgence. Testicles
hard and enlarged. Erections imperfect and of too short duration. Seminal
discharge, provoked by mere presence of a woman or contact; while frolicking with a woman . Impotence.
Excessive emissions; esp. of young people. Emissions on slightest sexual
provocation. Weakness after coition.
Eupatorium purpureum: Impotency
and sterility. Impotence, from exhaustion or abuse of
generative functions.
Fluoricum acidum:
loss of sexual power; impotence. Pollutions without erection. Penis curved in
the shape of an S, and swollen at least four inches in circumference, the
prepuce oedematous to such a degree as to hide the orifice of the urethra.
Graphites: Sexual debility, with
increased desire. Averse to
coition. Ejaculation; too early or
failing during coition. Want of sexual
enjoyment. Impotence from excessive
indulence or masturbation. Impotence, & dislike to
Helonias dioica: Impotence;
complete or partial.
Ignatia amara: Penis; contracted,
becomes small. Complete loss of sexual
desire. Sexual desire weak, or sexual
desire & impotence.
Kalium bromatum: Debility and impotence. Desire
lessened, even impotence. Impotence; with melancholy epilepsy, nervous
Kreosotum: Burning in genitals
during coition, from coming into contact with acrid vaginal discharge; penis
swells next day. Sexual desire too weak; impotence during coition.
Lycopodium clavatum:
exhaustion; impotence; erections feeble; falls asleep during coition.
Exhausting pollutions. Enlarged
prostate. Premature seminal emission.
erectile power; impotence; penis small,
cold, relaxed; falls asleep during
coition. Premature emission [Agn.; Calad.; Sel.]. Impotence; loss of sexual desire, esp. after
gonorrhoea or cystitis. Desire diminished. Itching on inner surface of prepuce;
of scrotum. Discharge of prostatic fluid without an erection.
Medorrhinum: Heaviness of
prostate; painful and enlarged, with frequent and painful urination. Impotency. Prostration after seminal
Moschus: Impotence from
diabetes ( COCA). Nausea and vomiting
after coition. Emissions, without
erections. Erection, with desire to urinate.
Muriaticum acidum: Impotence; penis relaxed; desire weak. Margin
of prepuce sore.
Natrium muriaticum: Impotence & retarded emission. Emission of prostatic fluid without erection
when thinking of sexual things. Erections in morning, without sexual
excitement. Pus-like smegma on glans. Itching and crawling sensation at corona
glandis. Genital organs smell strongly and badly.
Nuphar luteum: Spermatorrhoea.
Complete absence of sexual desire; parts relaxed; penis retracted. Impotence,
& involuntary emissions during stool, when urinating; during sleep. Voluptuous thoughts don't cause
Onosmodium virginianum: Loss of sexual desire. Psychical
impotence. Speedy emission, deficient
Opium: Erections during
sleep, & impotence when awake. Emissions without erections, followed by
debility and great relaxation of parts.
Phosphoricum acidum:
Sexual power deficient; testicles tender and swollen. Parts [ suddenly] relax
during coition [Nux-v.]. Weakness of sexual organs, & onanism and little
sexual desire. Impotence, esp. when sensibility of parts is excessive and semen
is discharged shortly after an erection, or before an erection.
Phosphorus: Lack of power.
Impotence after excessive excitement and onanism. Hydrocele after gonorrhoeal
orchitis, & sexual weakness; also, after seminal losses. Erections absent
& inward sexual desire. Impotence from or preceded by overexcitement of sexual
organs, as in young men who, trying to restrain their natural passion, have
this local erethism by reason of celibacy or sexual excesses. Erection
ineffectual during coition. Premature ejaculation. Gleet: discharge very
scanty; small drops of watery fluid at orifice of urethra in morning, at times
gluing it together, but leaving scarcely any stain on clothing; no pain or any
difficulty in urination.
Picricum acidum: Impotency,
with tendency to boils and carbuncles. PENIS SO DISTENDED
& irritability; penis relaxed and shrunken; coldness of genitals.
Psorinum: Aversion to coition;
impotence; want of emission during coition. Absence of erections; parts flabby,
torpid. Inflamed ulcer on glans, & swelling and heaviness of testicles.
Sabal serrulata: Genitals
cold. Enlarged or congested prostate;
senile. Wasting of testes and loss of
sexual power. Painful, erection or
emission of semen, during coition.
Sexual neurotics. Impotency.
Semen thick, causes hot feeling along the cord.
Secale cornutum: Weakness of
memory after exhausting coition; impotence.
Selenium metallicum:
Lascivious thoughts, with impotency.
Sepia officinalis: Organs cold.
Complaints from coition. Impotence.
Nocturnal pollutions. Watery semen. Insufficient erection and but little
thrill, during coition; after it great weakness [esp. weakness in knees].
Nightly emissions & sexual dreams. After emission burning in forepart of
urethra. Prepuce ulcerates and itches continually; cracks on foreskin. Burning,
itching, humid or scurfy herpes preputialis; chappy herpes, & circular
desquamation of skin.
Staphisagria: Impotence; &
irritability of bladder and urethra, brought on by sexual excess. Voluptuous
itching of scrotum; atrophy of testes; due to onanism or sexual excesses.
Chronic prostatitis in old men, pain from anus extending to urethra, coming on
after walking or riding.
Stramonium: Impotence; from
onanism, often but temporary.
Sulphur: Testes hang
low. Seminal emission, with burning in
urethra. Penis cold. Sexual power weak; impotence. Exhaustion in the morning after seminal
emission. Discharge of prostatic fluid
after urination and stool. Seminal emission
on touching a woman. Semen; odourless;
watery. Prepuce stiff, hard like
leather, with copious foetid smegma ; causes itches.
Tabacum: Nocturnal
emissions. Impotency. Hyperaesthesia and neuralgia of penis.
organs flabby; no erections or sexual desire.
Thuja occidentalis: Suppressed
gonorrhoea; = articular rheumatism;
prostatitis; sycosis; impotence. Impotence after suppressed gonorrhoea. Sexual
desire increased or decreased. Nightly painful erections = sleeplessness.
Nocturnal emissions followed by heaviness and ill-humour. Renewed gonorrhoea
after coition. Itching on inner surface of prepuce. Moisture on glans. Glans
very sensitive. Eczema on genitals. Red excrescence on inner surface of prepuce
like figwarts. Left testicle drawn up.
Tribulus terrestris:
It meets the auto-traumatism of masturbation, correcting the emissions and
spermatorrhoea. Partial impotence caused by overindulgence of advancing age, or
when accompanied by urinary symptoms, incontinence, painful micturition,
Turnera aphrodisiaca; damiana: Said
to be of use in sexual neurasthenia; impotence. Sexual debility from nervous
prostration. Incontinence of old people. Chronic prostatic discharge.
Uranium nitricum: Complete
impotence & nocturnal emissions. Organs cold, relaxed, sweaty.
Yohimbinum: Strong and lasting
erections. Neurasthenic impotence.
1. Complete Dynamics Repertory.
2. Concordant Materia Medica – Frans
3. Prisma- Frans Vermeulen
4. Essence of Materia medica- George
5. Materia medica of homeopathic medicines- S.R.
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