Saturday, 26 May 2018



It is recommended even as a preventive measure during severe epidemics of cholera, when the atmosphere gets surcharged with fear and anxiety, everybody dreading to be the next victim.


Given during the last month, it shortens labor.  Also it is a protection against false labor pains and prevents sickness of pregnancy and after pains.


Hard, knotty stools. Constipation. It is popular to carry the fruit in the breeches-pocket, as a preventive of piles.


In impending tetanus it may be used as a preventive, if the wound is suppurating, or has suddenly ceased to discharge pus.

APIS MELLIFICA:  Styes, also prevents their recurrence.


Stings of wasps, apply strong tincture. Crops of boils following each other, and as a preventive to those subject to them. Abscesses and boils that only partially develop, and, instead of discharging, shrivel up and pus absorbs, ARNICA internally and externally will develop them. May be used as a preventive of pyæmia


Baryta carb is one of the best remedies we have for the prevention of the recurrence of tonsillitis.


Corresponds to the symptoms of "air-sickness" in aviators. Give as preventive.


The hale and hearty child, all on a sudden, turns blue in the face, and his body is thrown into violent convulsions due to the spasm of the glottis.  Bromium works like a charm in such cases.  It relieves the spasm and prevents the repetition of such occurrence.


In many instances, when all the organs of conceptions, are found to be tolerably in good condition, and still where conception does not take place, due to some constitutional dyscrasia, Calcarea carb. causes conception to take place readily.  Then again, when menses continue, still after pregnancy, it cheeks the flow and prevents miscarriage.


Grauvogl recommends it very highly in chronic hydrocephalus.  He even advocates it as a preventive in hydrocephalus.


It prevents suppurations where suppuration should be prevented, and it brings on healing with wonderful promptitude.


The most important action of Caulophyllum however is seen in its application during pregnancy.  It checks haemorrhage during pregnancy and prevents miscarriage.

EUCALYPTUS GLOBULUS: Said to be a preventive of influenza.


Acts on digestion and mesenteric glands. Prevents formation of calculi, removes tartar from teeth and prevents attacks of gout.


Preventive of dropsy after scarlet fever as soon as traces of albumen are discovered in urine.


It also checks haemorrhage of the lying-in-women and prevents threatened abortion as is heralded by a persistent oozing of blood and brought about either idiopathically or by injury.


This remedy is also useful in incised or lacerated wounds, in injuries of the spinal cord and in bad effects of spinal concussions.  Hypericum prescribed at proper time after such injuries, prevents lock-jaw.  It is of great use in pains after a fall on the coccyx.

IGNATIA:  Plague; preventive and curative. Turkish people wore the bean as a preventive against the plague.


It prevents suppuration when suppuration has not taken place and hence is a remedy to be used in doubtful cases of suppuration.       Mercurius does not prevent formation of pus, but rather helps it and should, therefore, be used when you are convinced of formation of pus.  Silicea follows Mercurius after Mercurius has done its work.  It prevents further suppuration and tends to hasten the already long-drawn process of slow healing.


It is the Salicylate of Sodium.  Its chief chemical property is to prevent fermentation and hence it is utilised in the manufacture of beer.


Pulsatilla promotes expulsion of moles.  It is a remedy that has to be used with great caution during pregnancy; injudiciously used it may even induce abortion.  It is a remedy that we are called on to use often to prevent abortion.Dr. Ballard of Chicago reports of a case of abortion, during the fifth month, that he prevented by the timely administration of Pulsatilla on this symptom alone.As a preventive of measles: 3 times daily(Pulford)


Sarracenia not only develops a curative power, but it is also a preventative against the variolous infection, diminishing greatly the individual disposition of catching the disease.


We often hear of patients gradually drifting into phthisis after neglected cases of pneumonia and pleurisy.  Senega often rectifies the mistakes and inexperience of the initial stage and gradually re-establishes the lost equilibrium and prevents the patient from gradually sinking into an incurable stage.


Sepia has been known to check metrorrhagia during climacteric age or during pregnancy, specially in the fifth and the seventh months and thus prevents abortion.


Bubonic plague . As a curative and preventive remedy especially during the period of invasion.

TRIFOLIUM PRETENSE: Preventive for mumps.


Nosode prepared from Lymph from smallpox pustule has proved as an efficient preventive against smallpox contagion and vaccinal infection.

As a preventive of, or protection against, smallpox, it is far superior to crude vaccination and absolutely safe from the sequelae, esp. septic and tubercular infection


It is equally useful in severe false pain preceding normal labour; its utility in the after-pains is just as great.  Administered before the rapture of the membrane, it prevents threatened miscarriage. OFTEN PREVENTS MISCARRIAGE.

Bibliography/References :

1.      Homeopathic Materia Medica- William Boericke
2.      Materia Medica Of Homeopathic Medicines - Phatak S. R.
3.      A Study Of Materia Medica-Choudhuri  N. M.
4.      Concordant Materia Medica – Frans Vermeulen

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