Secretive :
Reliably close mouthed, not
outwardly expressed Inducing secrecy or
Causes or promotes secretion;
keeps information from the knowledge of others.
One having or showing a
disposition to secrecy ;reticent.
Explanation: This is a
quality a person possesses whereby he conceals events or incidents, which have
occurred even from friends who are close to him.
Cross Reference:
Answer, answering, answers;
aversion to; refuses to
Confiding, people confide in
Quiet, disposition
Suspiciousness ,
Taciturn, indisposed to talk
IMPORTANT REMEDIES-Complete Dynamics (37):
Mind; secretive: agar alco andri-q aur BAR-C(3)
bov calop-s caust chlam-t dig germ helx-t herin HYOS(3) IGN(3) indg lac-h(2)
latex lsd LYC(3) mand marm-a NAJA(3) NAT-M(3) nit-ac phas-c phos plac(2) plb
plut-n ratt-n salx-f SEP(3) syph tela THUJ(3) zinc.
They are secretive basically
because of their childish behavior.
A “that is between you and
me” attitude with a little bit of heart trouble
and prostate trouble. It is one of the remedies with tropism ( this
means that it affects especially a certain target organ) for prostate.
Hyoscyamus is a hyper-sexual
remedy , enjoys thoughts or conversation around sexual matters nearly as much
as sex itself. It is a remedy to
remember in cases of depression or mania after romantic relationships are broken.
So, one of the key symptom is , worse from “ unhappy love” . They have violent
sexual excitement and nymphomania.
Erotic mania accompanied by jealousy. The HYOS child should be watched
carefully to avoid violence towards younger siblings which can come in a coldly
malicious , detached, and dangerous form. In many, not in all cases, there is
precocious sexual behavior , masturbation , secretive sexual play with other
children , exhibitionism. Hyoscyamus
patients had lascivious mania and sexual perversion.
In Ignatia there is
sensitivity coupled with romanticism. In a disappointed love situation. There
is overstrain, grief, vexation, a frustration in her job and there is a
breakdown. In a breakdown, she will go into spasms, hysterical, unable to think
or talk. Later , she will go inside , lock the door and cry.
Believes herself married and
pregnant. Inclined to be very secretive and passive.
Lycopodium represents a
constant struggle between cowardice and egotism, lack of confidence and
haughtiness, between timidity and dictatorial attitude. Lycopodium is afraid to
There is the behavior of a
cobra which raises its hood when approached, but does not do anything if only
passed by without being disturbed. There is also a brooding and suicidal state,
a feeling as if everything had been done wrong and could not be rectified.
The Natrum
muriaticum patient is introverted and overly serious. She keeps her grief and
disappointments in her mind and never divulge secrets. The patient will discuss their grief only
with reluctance and may show hostility that she is being asked such personal
questions which result in bitter, involuntary or hysterical tears. She is
closed, responsible, dignified and much affected by grief. Sad and unable to
weep. Dwells on past grief and humiliation.
They are
highly romantic but after a disappointment closed themself to further
relationship for many years. Often, we
will discover that the patient has been existing with in an unhappy
relationship for many years – too closed to his partners to fix the problems ,
yet too loyal to leave.
The main feeling of Sepia is
that she is forced to undertake things opposed to her intentions, to do what
she does not want to do. This makes her miserable and slowly leads to despair,
indifference and sadness. Hence, she becomes indisposed to talk, secretive due
to hoplessness.
The Thuja personality is very
easy to miss, partly because it is uncommon, but mainly because it is so closed
and secretive. Many Thuja patients, particularly the male ones, give so little
away during the interview that one is left with the impression of a
mystery-man. Both males and females were far more secretive, because of, they were sexually abused in children and had
to be constantly pressured to reveal what they remembered, and what they felt,
because they were so ashamed of it.
Person who keeps the secrecy of their sexual intercourse or instinct from the knowledge of others.
Remedy : HYOS (Single)
is a hyper-sexual remedy , enjoys thoughts or conversation around sexual
matters nearly as much as sex itself. It
is a remedy to remember in cases of depression or mania after romantic
relationships are broken. So, one of the key symptom is worse from “ unhappy
love” . They have violent sexual excitement and nymphomania. And erotic mania accompanied by jealousy. The
HYOS child should be watched carefully to avoid violence towards younger
siblings which can come in a coldly malicious , detached, and dangerous form.
In many, not in all cases, there is precocious sexual behavior , masturbation ,
secretive sexual play with other children , exhibitionism. Hyoscyamus patients had lascivious mania and
sexual perversion.
References :
1. Perceiving Rubrics of the Mind- Dr.
2. Kent’s Comparative repertory of the
Homeopathic Materia
medica.- Dr.R.Dockx & Dr. G. Kokelenberg.
3. Complete Dynamics Repertory.
4. The Essential Synthesis Repertory- Dr.
Frederik Schrayens.
5. ACSOTROM- Dr. Shreepad Arun Khedekar&
Dr. Chirag R. Upadhyay.
6. Concordant Materia Medica – Frans
Desktop Guide- Dr. Roger Morrison
8. Lectures on Homeopathic Materia Medica-
Dr. J.T.Kent.
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