Jealousy is
an emotion; the term generally refers to the thoughts or feelings of
insecurity, fear, concern, and envy over relative lack of possessions, status
or something of great personal value, particularly in reference to a
Jealousy often consists of one or more of emotions
such as anger, resentment,
inadequacy, helplessness or disgust.
In its original meaning, jealousy is distinct from envy,
though the two terms have popularly become synonymous in the English language,
with jealousy now also taking on the definition originally
used for envy alone.
Jealousy is a typical experience in human relationships, and it has been observed in infants as young as
five months. Some claim that jealousy is seen in every
culture; however, others claim jealousy is a culture-specific phenomenon.
Sexual jealousy may be triggered when
a person's significant other displays sexual interest in another
person. The feeling of jealousy may be just as powerful
if one partner suspects the other is guilty of infidelity.
Fearing that their partner will experience sexual
jealousy the person who has been unfaithful may lie about their actions in
order to protect their partner. Experts often believe that sexual jealousy is
in fact a biological imperative. It may be part of a mechanism by which humans
and other animals ensure access to the best reproductive partners.
It seems that male jealousy in
heterosexual relationships may be influenced by their female partner's phase in
her menstrual cycle. In the period around and shortly before ovulation, males
are found to display more mate-retention tactics, which are linked to jealousy. Furthermore, a male is more likely to employ
mate-retention tactics if their partner shows more interest in other males,
which is more likely to occur in the pre-ovulation phase.
Romantic jealousy
arises as a result of romantic interest. It is defined as “a complex of
thoughts, feelings, and actions that follow threats to self-esteem and/or threats
to the existence or quality of the relationship when those threats are
generated by the perception of a real or potential romantic attraction between
one's partner and a (perhaps imaginary) rival.” Different from sexual
jealousy, romantic jealousy is triggered by threats to self and relationship
(rather than sexual interest in another person). Factors, such as feelings of
inadequacy as a partner, sexual exclusivity, and having put relatively more
effort into the relationship, are positively related to relationship jealousy
in both genders.
Dictionary Meaning:
Jealousy is the feeling of anger or bitterness which someone has when they think that another person is trying to take a lover or friend, or a possession, away from them.
Jealousy is the feeling of anger or bitterness which someone has
when they wish that they could have the qualities or possessions that
another person has.
[Note: Do
not use jealousy when ENVY is the symptom. Jealousy mostly means being jealous
of a partner. It is not the same as envy. With jealousy there is erotism
involved. Envy is more for material things.]
Ailments from jealousy
Delusions, imaginations;
jealousy with
Delirium, jealousy, from
Delirium, jealousy, with
Delusion, wife is faithless
Dream, jealousy
Mocking, jealousy with
Quarrelsomeness, scolding;
jealousy , from
Sadness, jealousy, with
Selfishness; egotism
Slander, disposition to
Suspiciousness, mistrustfulness
Remedies; Complete
dynamics (125)
aloe alum-s am-s
aml-n ANAC anath androc APIS aq-des ars aur-m-n bamb-a bani-c
bar-c bar-s bell blatta bufo calad calc calc-f calc-p CALC-S camph caras CARC
caust CENCH cham chin chir-f chr cich cist clad-r COCAIN cocc coff coloc con corv-c
crot-c crot-h cygn-c-b diox dpt falco-p ferr-s GALL-AC gels geoc-c glyc-g
gryl-a haliae-lc hema-h herin hydr-ac HYOS IGN
ilx-a IP kali-acet KALI-AR kali-c kali-p kali-s kola lac-c lac-f lac-leo LACH
lat-h lil-t lsd LYC lycpr mag-c mag-s mand MED morg-g mus-m naja
nat-m nat-s nelu neod-c niob NUX-M NUX-V onos op ozon pall pass-d
petr PH-AC PHOS plac PLAT por-m posit pot-a PULS
raph ratt-n sac-alb salx-f sanic scorp sep sile-c STAPH STRAM sul-ac sulph
syc-co tarent terb-s teucr ther thuj unc-t verat vip
Remedies in details:
Jealousy with anger and desire to kill, torments others, running about, aggravation
in daytime (mostly women). Jealousy
between women. And jealousy with loquacity.
ALBUM (ARS): Jealousy
of a man towards a man. Jealousy of a
woman towards a woman. Jealousy of a
child towards a child.
(HYOS): Jealousy
is a combination of attachment (or desire) and fear of loss. Any type can
suffer from jealousy, but those types that are both anxious and highly sexed
are most prone to severe or pathological jealousy, and these include Lachesis
and Hyoscyamus in particular. Jealousy is pathological when it occurs in the
absence of a likelihood of competition for, or loss of the loved one or loved
In Hyoscyamus individuals feelings of jealousy
can be so powerful that they totally dominate the life of the patient and her
partner. The characteristic thing about the morbid jealousy of Hyoscyamus is
that it tends to be accompanied by rage. A Hyoscyamus woman may appear entirely
normal except when she is feeling jealous, when she is transformed into a
biting, screaming, kicking maniac (Kent: 'Jealousy', 'Desires to strike').
Jealousy with grief.
(IGN): Effects of disappointed love, with silent
grief and delicate conscientiousness; affectionate disposition, with very clear
consciousness. Her problems are aggravated from
Lachesis ranks with Hyoscyamus as being the most prone to intense feelings of
jealousy of all the constitutional types. The more intense a person's desire,
the more liable they are to feel jealous of others who have what the desirer
wants. Thus we can understand Lachesis jealousy as a natural consequence of his
strong desire. Sexual jealousy is the
commonest form seen in Lachesis people, since sexual desire is usually their
most intense attachment. In some cases this jealousy can be totally
unrealistic, and can dominate the relationship to the point where it threatens
its very existence. Jealousy of a man towards a woman. Jealousy of a woman
towards a man. And jealousy with
Head full of ideas of defiance and jealousy.
Anxious dreams, jealousy.
Nux-v respects strength, and if his partner is a strong woman, he will
willingly share his throne with her. He will not only leave the domestic
decisions to her in the main, but will also encourage her to make her mark upon
the world. Many a Nux-v wife lives in her husband's shadow publicly, but some
are able to match his energy and his ability, and manage to avoid losing themselves.
Others fall prey to Nux-v dominating personality, and end up as his chattel.
Because Nux-v
has strong appetites, and is possessive of his spoils of war, he is more prone
than most to jealousy. Even though he may be unfaithful to his wife, he is
liable to explode with rage if she favours another, and to punish both his wife
and her other man. Emperors do not take kindly to competition when it comes to
sexual love.
out of jealousy, with shameless expressions, quarrels and reproaches. Jealousy of
a man towards a woman. Jealousy of a
woman towards a man. Jealousy of a woman towards a woman. Jealousy of a child towards another child.
Ignatia is indicated in men (specially women) who have tender and delicate
conscience, who concentrate their emotions and are tormented incessantly by
them, with alternate hilarity and tears, Nux vomica is indicated in men
(specially in men) who express themselves violently, but internally they are
greatly impressionable, sad, weep, groan, sob, blame, reproach, quarrel,
injure, anger up to blows, stubbornness (their impatience to tolerate contrariety
and contradictions), attack of jealousy with obscene words.
ACID (PH-AC): Chronic
effects from disappointed love; hectic fever, flushing of the face, especially
afternoon and night with sweating; crushing weight on vertex; uterine and ovarian
complaints in consequence of the depressing emotion.
Like Natrum and Ignatia, Pulsatilla will tend to get very jealous of other
children if they are favoured by her parent. In fact, she will get jealous of
anyone who takes up her parent's time, or the time of her best friend (Kent:
'Jealousy'). In her jealousy, she is apt to behave petulantly, taking her spite
out on her competitor, as well as on her loved one. Thus she may break her
brother's new toy if she thinks it is nicer than hers, and refuse to eat her
lunch if he is the centre of attention on his birthday.
after a fit of jealousy. Jealousy of a man towards a man. Jealousy of a man towards a woman. Jealousy of a woman towards a man.
(SEP): Jealousy of a woman against woman. Jealousy of a child towards a child.
1. Perceiving Rubrics of the Mind- Dr.
2. Kent’s Comparative repertory of the
Homeopathic Materia medica.-
Dr.R.Dockx & Dr. G. Kokelenberg.
3. Complete Dynamics Repertory.
4. The Essential Synthesis Repertory- Dr.
Frederik Schrayens.
5. Repertory of the Homeopathic Materia
Medica – Dr.J.T.Kent.
6. The Spirit of Homeopathic Medicines –
Dr.Didier Grand George.
7. ACSOTROM- Dr. Shreepad Arun
Khedekar& Dr. Chirag R. Upadhyay.
8. Concordant Materia Medica – Frans
9. Absolute Materia Medica – Dr. P.I.
Tarkas & Dr. Ajit Kulkarni.
10. Desktop Guide- Dr. Roger Morrison
12. Repertory
of the Psychic Medicines, with Materia Medica-
Homeopathic Psychology-Dr. Bailey Philip.
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