Wednesday, 8 August 2018



Personal appearance is important to every homeopath to treat the patient because it can show the attitude and politeness of treating people.

This rubric is available in Essential Synthesis repertory with the following four cross reference rubrics.

1.       Coquettish, not enough.
2.       Coquettish, too much.
3.       Indifference, appearance, to his personal.
4.       Tidy
5.       Tidy, appearance, in one’s personal.


a.      Coquettish is the adjective of the noun Coquette, a young, flirtatious woman. Coquette is the feminine diminutive of the French word “coq”, which means cockerel or rooster.  The word was originally to the men in the form of coquet to express how men would strut to attract women the same way roosters do to attract hens. Using coquet for a flirtatious male is now rare, but the feminine version remains.

b.      A woman tries to gain the admiration and affections of man for mere self gratification; a flirt.

1. Coquettish, not enough: These women lack of normal sex appeal that is characteristic of every female person. They don’t have a usual attractive behaviour or make up that is exhibited by a normal woman in order to be looked attractive.

Remedies in complete Dynamics: bell., lyc., puls., staph .,sulph.

Remedy Pictures in details:

STAPHISAGRIA:  INDIFFERENCE AFTER MASTURBATION. The patient is moody, depressed, prefers solitude, is shy of the opposite sex. Continually concerned about future. Hence, the patient may not have interest on his appearance.

SULPHUR: People that need Sulphur will tend to hate to bathe, and they can be dirty and unwashed. They will hate to do house cleaning. On the flip side, they can wear strange or eccentric clothing. They are sensitive to odors. They may even have a disgust of body odor whether in themselves or others.

2.Coquettish, too much: This is applicable only in case of female person. They have a tendency in excess to attract attention of men with their seducing behaviour or sex appeal ( like by touching hairs, by sex talks etc). It is normal for a woman if she likes to take make up and behave in an attractive way in order to exhibit her sex appeal. But it is much more than that which is not accepted by the society.

Remedies in complete Dynamics: ambr bell calc-f calc-s geoc-c gins hydr-ac lac-leo LACH lap-a lyc merc nux-v phas-c PHOS PLAT puls ros-d salx-f succ sulph tax VERAT.

Remedies picture in details:


Lachesis person can be interested in the beauty of nature, in amusement, and their speech can be magnetic.   The main theme of Lachesis is show. The ideal situation that would best bring out this feeling for a Lachesis patient would be a beauty contest. She would try to beat the competition through any means.
For the Lachesis, a healthy sexual spere is key to their balance, it is reference point to their life. If they have an attractive sex life, then everything in their life flows. They will be more focused , motivated and energized. If their libido is low, they start to dress drab, withdraw and express a lot of tension and anger. Female Lachesis in balance will often dress in a sensual and sexual manner, they dress like this because it is their nature to want to attract attention in that manner. It is not that they need to go out and seek men for sexual purpose, they just enjoy that attention and focus from men in a social setting. Sometime Lachesis who are oblivious to themselves and the way they dress can appear like mutton dress as Lamb (Dr. Sephera Light).

PHOSPHORUS:  PHOS woman attractively coquettish manner and knew well how to elicit the admiration of men. They dress with taste, at times flamboyantly, their cloths reflecting the artistic, Bohemian vein that runs through the type. In a dance or gymnastics class, the women will take a position nearest the mirror so as to admire her throughout the drill, thus deriving extra enjoyment from the class. Indeed, the phosphorus narcissism may manifest itself in a liking for mirrors; these individuals, both male and female, will have a number of them distributed around the home. A phosphorus woman may be inordinately afraid of growing old. She cannot accept philosophically the diminishing of her good looks.

PLATINA: Main theme of remedies is, Egotism , superiority complex, high sexual desire. They dressed flamboyantly, sensually. “Hollywood” types; dark sunglasses. It is the key remedy for public figures ( actors, teachers, and politician) who constantly want to “polish their image”.

VERATRUM ALBUM: VERAT sings obscene songs, thinks lewd thoughts, and exhibits immodesty. The patient does not want to cover his private parts, kick off the cloths and lies naked on the bed and exposes the person. Kissing everybody before menses, dislikes talking except in delirium. Nymphomania and  satyriasis.

3.Indifference,apthy, appearance, to his personal: It means, the state of mind is indifferent; lack of care or concern, or lack of interest in their personal appearance. Or having no marked feeling , interest or concern about their appearance. 

Remedies in complete Dynamics: aesc aur-s cinis-p clad-r coca conch ephe-v kola latex lava-f lsd oxyg PHYT posit psor scorp sile-c SULPH syph tax URAN.

Remedy Pictures in details:

PHYTOLACCA: Indifference to life. Loss of delicacy, complete shamelessness and indifference to exposure of her person.

PSORINUM: PSORINUM is closely allied to SULPHUR the patient dreads to be washed. The skin over the body, especially of the face, looks filthy, though it has been well washed. A dingy, dirty, foul look, as if covered with dirt. Skin rough and uneven, cracks easily, bleeding fissures; it becomes rough and scaly. He cannot wash it clean. The skin of the hands is rough, chaps easily, becomes thick and scaly, easily cracks, breaks out in little scaly eruptions; looks unwashed; he always appears to have dirty hands.

SULPHUR: The classical drug-picture of sulphur as a dirty-looking, shoddy personality, wearing tattery, worn-out clothes, with unkempt hair, is a portrait of yore. In modern times you won’t find such a beast among you or in your vicinity, except in lunar asylums. At best one can say that such a description of sulphur-personality means, in modern times, a person who does not care much about his appearance.

4.Tidy:  The person those who are looking clean & neat in appearance and dressed in nice fashionable cloths especially in a formal way is called as smart and tidy (c/f Fastdious).

Remedy in Essential Synthesis:  bar-c, carc.

CARCINOCINUM: In Carc. You will usually find a history of domination, demanding parents, demanding partners, or too much responsibility at a young age. Children who keep their room in a non-childlike tidy order - by themselves [!] – something easy to elicit by the homoeopath. Their parents have told them that only then they are o.k.  Those are children, parents are proud of, as they are well-behaved, easy to handle, orderly, prudent, social, etc.

5.Mind; Tidy, appearance, in one’s personal: bar-c.

BARYTA CARBONICA: "Instead of just wanting to look desirable, as is seen in the first stage of pathology, the insecurity about their body image may become an obsession over their weight and appearance, leading to anorexia. Or they may spend inordinate amounts of time and money to become as beautiful and perfect as possible. ... I've had quite a number of Baryta carbonica patients whose main problem was anorexia. They just refuse to eat because they have such a poor image of their bodies. They will do almost anything if they think it will make the body look better. They won't eat. They will spend incredible amounts of money on clothing or on all kinds of facial surgery. It can become an absolute obsession to look good." (Dr. Frans Vermulen).


1.       Perceiving Rubrics of the Mind- Dr. Farohk J.Master.
2.       Kent’s Comparative repertory of the Homeopathic Materia medica. - Dr.R.Dockx & Dr. G. Kokelenberg.
3.       Complete Dynamics Repertory.
4.       The Essential Synthesis Repertory- Dr. Frederik Schrayens.
5.       ACSOTROM- Dr. Shreepad Arun Khedekar & Dr. Chirag R. Upadhyay.
6.       Prisma Materia Medica- Dr. Frans Vermulen.
7.       Portraits of Homeopathic medicines- Dr. Catherine R. Coulter.

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