Friday, 16 March 2018

Children in the book “Desktop Guide” by Dr.Roger Morrison M.D


The Arsenicum child tends to be proper and very concerned about the opinion of others. He is often anxious and overly responsible. The great insecurity causes anxiety and caution in any dangerous situation –even driving in a car. The child pays abnormal attention to his parent’s responsibilities, for example he double checks the mother about directions to their destination. He also has great concern for the parent’s health. He fears that if something happens to his parents, his own security will be threatened. The child’s anxiety prompts truly compulsive school work which may even extend to obsessive behaviour.


Calcarea children tend to be plump, tired and have weak resistance to infections. Many authors have remarked that the development can be delayed in Calcarea children, with slowness in the onset of walking or talking. It is important to remember that the absence of slowed development does not contraindicate Calcarea. The child is usually strong-willed, yet often very anxious concerning security. He has problems with anxiety and fears. The child may be very curious, asking questions often about religious or metaphysical things in order to relieve these fears about life and death. These anxieties are reflected in the characteristic nightmares which disturb the sleep. Unlike other remedies with strong anxieties, the Calcarea child faces his anxiety with a conviction that he must learn enough or prepare on his own to overcome life’s uncertainties. He wishes to become independent and self-sufficient. Thus the child is nice but obstinate. Even the toddler is difficult to distract from his desires. The child is also hard working, even to the point of being compulsive. Physically, the Calcarea child tends to be solid, even plump of obese. The metabolism may be slow or defective. Often the child is clammy and has a sour odor to perspiration or stool (Rheum, Hepar). He will often tire easily from excretion and find it difficult to keep up with his peers. Poor stamina is often indicative of Calcarea , however robust and healthy children just as often need this remedy.


Calcarea Phosphorica infants are irritable  and whiny. The child cries and requires constant attention. He wants to be carried which is reminiscent of Chamomilla , Cina  or  Antomonium crudum . Older Calcarea phosphorica children are very sensitive and often overwhelmed by the stresses of school. At school age the child often presents with complaints of school phobias, school headaches or stomach pains during the daytime , often at 3 PM, at the end of the school day. A strong characteristic in Calcarea Phosphorica children in a constant complaint of boredom. This feeling may often be associated with a chronic , causeless feeling of unhappiness and a generally bad attitude.


Carcinosin children are often sensitive and sympathetic and may be rather timid. They are open and easily wounded and can be suppressed. The children are markedly sensitive to criticism and reprimand . They dislike and are intolerant of consolation ( more rarely the opposite is true). As the patient reaches adolescence and puberty , they may be strong sexual instincts and passion.


Causticum children are sensitive and excitable. They are extremely aware of others and sympathetic for the suffering of others. The emotions are very intensely felt. A causticum child  may burst into tears from a slight provocation. There can be many fears in Causticum children, especially of the dark. Compulsive and perfectionistic behaviour may also occur. The teenagers are rebellious and highly idealistic.


Hyoscyamus is one of the most important remedies in behaviour disorders of children, and there is a wide range of behaviour problems. The child may simply have poor control over his impulses-talking , joking, throwing tantrums at the most inappropriate times. There are often tremendous difficulties with other siblings ; jealousy, provoking of fights and abuse. The Hyoscyamus child should be watched carefully to avoid violence toward younger siblings which can come in a coldly malicious, detached and dangerous form. In most, but not all cases there is precocious sexual behaviour; masturbation, secretive sexual play with other children, exhibitionism. Sexual innuendo is constantly brought into conversation. Cursing is a strong characteristic , often used especially for shock value by these provocative children.


The Lachesis child is usually unable to effectively control his overly-strong emotions. Often the parent will bring the child for behavioural and emotional problems , typically beginning after the birth of a new baby in the family. The child has tremendous jealousy toward the new sibling ( Hyos., Verat., Stram., Calc-s). Often physical pathologies will develop from this strong jealousy , such as asthma. The child will actually say he hates the young brother or sister. A Lachesis boy may be very jealous of his father. The child may alsi be very possessive of his friends and demands that they pay attention only to him and no other friends. Also the child seems to have a precocious awareness of the people around him. The child is able to find the most vulnerable spot and verbally strike at you, like a snake. The child cannot bear to be under the authority of another person; he doesn’t  tolerate restrictions.  This pattern may be carried over in adulthood with an extreme aversion to authority as when a supervisor at work or his wife asks him to do things.


Both of the two basic types  i.e., Inferiority and Egotism can be seen in Lycopodium Children. Many of the children are angry, bossy, and rude to parents who are too “ permissive”. The parents are often perplexed to find that at school the child gets good conduct scores because this bullying attitude is not tolerated.  But  the more usual Lycopodium child is extremely shy. He has inner sense of weakness and in many cases he does in fact lack of normal child’s stamina. Rough  physical games are frightening and exhausting and in no way attractive to him. The features are usually fine or even delicate. His head may be overly large for his body. The parents describe the child as being “cautious” or fearful of rough games, bikes, slides, swimming.  As the child develops he turns more of his energies to intellectual pursuits such as reading, hobbies, or computers.


The Medorrhinum child often comes with behavioural problems is found to have excessive aggression in addition to his other physical complaints. He is often pale and looks as though he is poorly nourished , often suffering with eczema , rhinitis, or asthma. He may have violent temper tantrums, kick or strike the parents , and fights with other children. Like the adult patient , the child often has an extremely passionate nature. Other Medorrhinum children are sensitive and may withdraw from the parents and family because of emotional shocks. There is often excessive attachment to animals and also cruel behaviour towards animals. Sexual development begins even by the age of two or three and incestuous impulses are strong in this nosode.


The Mercury child is often very precocious and seems to have almost adult-like emotions. He can seem flirtatious , intense and sensitive . The child has strong emotions and can be very irritable. More often the child is shy or withdrawn. In almost all cases the child suffers with poor resistance to infections- chronic otitis media, pharyngitis and stomatitis. The child usually exhibits the typical confirmatory keynotes.


The Natrum Muriadicum child  is well behaved and often matured beyond his years; “like a little adult”. The child has a strong need for affection  and is overly vulnerable. Like the adult, the child prefers to be alone with his griefs and will shrug off his parents consoling hug. Even as adolescents this same sensitivity  and inability to accept help is problematic. The child is also extremely responsible about his homework or his family’s needs. It should be called that a Natrum Muriaticum type may resort to drug use to help numb his emotional pain.


The Nux Vomica child is irritable and often affected with gastrointestinal problems such as colic or colitis. At school age, the child is extremely competitive about his grades and sports. He is terrible loser. The parents may say that the child can be under no circumstances admit that he is at fault or that he has made a mistake. Jealousy of his other siblings or other gifted children at school is often a problem. In adolescence the child may develop strongly bitter feelings towards his parents , especially the same sex parent. It can be astonishing to find how rudely this child can speak towards his parents in such cases. These children are very concerned about fair-play both towards themselves and others and can seem very idealistic. Many Nux Vomica children exhibit strong fears , especially fear of the dark.


The Phosphorus child is sensitive, precocious and open. He can make contact with anyone , child or adult. The parents say that they fear the child to be kidnapped because of this open , trusting nature. The child is both curious and sympathetic for others. They are often strong fears and great desire for company. The child often has great anxiety   that something bad will happen to his parents and become very concerned about the least illness in the family. Often the Phosphorus child experiences fast growth and suffers from the growth with fatigue and poor resistance to illness. A large percentage of Phosphorus children suffer with epistaxis, bleeding gums, bruising or other bleeding problems.

The typical Pulsattilla child is shy and clings to the mother. She makes good contact with the prescriber from the safety of her mother’s lap. She is vulnerable to other children , easily bullied. She craves attention and affection. Often the mother will reveal that the child comes to sit on her lap at any opportunity and often asks the mother , “ Mommy , do you love me”, Yet she can be pouting and irritable at other times. Often the parents complain that the child comes in to their bedroom at night to sleep.


In the early stages of Sepia- that is in children and teenagers – we do not see any sign of the typical stasis. The child is alive , excitable and affectionate. She is often the center of the attention. The complaints in this stage include fears and over-sensitivity and over-excitability. The next stage of the pathology occurs from stress, grief and disappointment. The child becomes more self-contained, introverted and closed. The patient will complain mainly of physical disorders such as headache, menstrual disorders and skin troubles , such as psoriasis or ringworm.


Silicea  children can be over-sensitive and actually irritable and obstinate. The child is demanding at these early ages but as he grows older he takes on the more typical refinement and yielding nature. By the age of 6 or 7 years , the child is quite proper, well-behaved and serious. He may be very shy in the office , refusing to answer any questions. Instead , he whispers his responses to the mother who must then relay the information to the prescriber. The Silicea child often suffers repeated infections , such as colds, otitis media, or pharyngitis. Often the stamina is very poor. The features are fine and deligate, the hair is often quite thin, the skin is pale, and the head may be overly large.


The Staphysagria child resembles Natrum Muriaticum  greatly. The child is usually quiet, serious and composed. She has a sensitivity, an inhibition and vulnerability which is very apparent. There may be infrequent periods of emotional, angry outbursts. In most cases there is a history of an abusive parent or older sibling who suppresses or humiliates the patient. We must consider carefully whether Staphsagria should be given to the child living in an abusive household. If we stir the child’s reactivity against a superior force, unproductive turmoil can result.


The Stramonium child is often placid in the office showing little or none of the violence described by the parent. Sometimes the child becomes dreamy or drowsy as the parent describes the problems. The troubles often begin after a strong fright such as car accident , a sexual abuse,  the witnessing of an act of violence in the environment, or after a neurological insult such as meningitis  or encephalitis. The precipitating event is often followed by a nightmare or terrible night-terrors and eventually the development of rages. The rage in Stramonium is uncontrolled and impulsive-that is, without malicious forethought. It comes in an outburst, almost as a convulsion or neurological discharge. It would be unusual for a Stramonium case to develop such a violence without equally strong fears. Remember that the parents may for various reasons be reticent about explaining the full degree of pathology in such a child.


Sulphur children are curious, robust, strong-willed and extraverted. They need to be the center of attention and may react in a jealous, angry way if others take center stage. The arrogance that we see in adults can often be found in the children as well. Sulphur boys are very mechanical and astute at figuring out how things work. The boys are often large, heavy, and pugnacious. If the temperament is good , they will be popular at school and become leaders. If the temperament is bad, they will become bullies or behaviour problems. Also Sulphur children can be very open and innocent. They enjoy contact with adults and resent not being treated as adults, finding it unfair when they are sent to bed early while the adults continue the conversation.


Tuberculinum is an important childhood remedy in simple recurring infectious illness of childhood  such as otitis media and recurring bronchitis. It is also an important remedy in more advanced pathology such as failure to thrive , development defects, mental retardation and Attention Deficit Disorders (ADD).

In classic hypereactivity, Tuberculinum is a mainstay of practice. The child is unable to remain long in one place, is loud and very demanding and capricious. We especially think of Tuberculinum when the parents tell us that the child is coldly and deliberately destructive and malicious. He breaks his mother’s favourite vase right in front of her if contradicted. The child may have great anger, even violence and tendency to strike others. He seems completely indifferent to punishment or reprimand. Tuberculinum is also one of our best remedies in cases of mental retardation and even AUTISM. In these cases, ritualistic behaviour and head-banging are common expressions of the pathology.

 The pathology begins with excessive mental development and precocity. The child is curious and almost adult level in conceptual ability. But, this over-stimulation of the mind is eventually also reflected in a great restlessness. There is an inner frustration which leads to disobedience and behaviour problems. The child has a tremendous restless feeling which is typically expressed by senseless, repetitive behaviour such as stacking things or cutting papers into ever smaller bits. In some cases, he is so restless he cannot sit down to eat instead must be moving constantly. The child may be extremely disconnected , or also hard and tough. He shows no emotion even when reprimanded or punished. The child may be difficult to distinguish from other remedies for behaviour disorders such as TARENDULA, ANACARDIUM, STRAMONIUM, SULPHUR or HYOSCYAMUS.

Author : Dr. Roger Morrison., M.D
Compiled by : S.Karuppiah.

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